Los Colorados

Most popular Ukrainian band on YouTube




Obolon @ Lutsk

February 21, 2011 @ 11:47 pm - Interviews
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Saturday (2010-11-20) @ Lviv

November 18, 2010 @ 8:53 am - Concerts

Saturday. Lviv. Kult. Los Colorados )))

Wednesday (2010-11-10) @ Lviv

November 8, 2010 @ 10:49 am - Concerts

Wednesday. Lviv. Pozitiff. Los Colorados. Alcotrash!!! See you ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hot Havana Clubbing

October 12, 2010 @ 11:36 pm - Concerts

Date / Time: 15 October ยท 21:30 – 23:00

Location: Havana Club, D. Halytskyy Square, 1

Entry: 60 uah

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=131987150184858

Next events

July 30, 2010 @ 2:07 pm - Concerts

Next events:

  • August 5, Ternopil, Podolyany, charity concert
  • August 22, festival “Zahid” in Stare Selo near Lviv!

Welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

Saturday (2010-07-10) @ Lviv

July 10, 2010 @ 5:42 pm - Concerts

Today we are performing in Lviv on Rynok square! All invited!!!

Friday (2010-07-09) @ Berezhany

July 6, 2010 @ 12:54 pm - Concerts

See you all on friday in Berezhany on “Rurysko” festival. We are head-liners of the second festival day ๐Ÿ™‚

Friday (2010-07-02) @ Pozitiff club, Lviv

June 29, 2010 @ 2:06 pm - Concerts

This Friday (2010-07-02) Los Colorados are performing in Lviv, Pozitiff club, 14 Zelena str.

Waiting for you!!!

Hello world!

April 15, 2010 @ 9:37 am - Uncategorized

It was three of them: Ruslan Prystupnic Prystupa (lead vocals), Rostyslav Roslyk Fook (guitar, backing vocals), Serhiy Masyanya Masyk (bass guitar, backing vocals). They were working at the same office in Ternopil. Each of them had some experience in making music in different bands. Once they decided to play for fun and make a great song Pomidory (Tomatoes). After that boys realized, that the new band was started. It was hard to play rock music without drums, so a new member of group appeared Oleksandr Guns Davosyr. They recorded their first single Pomidory. After that boys invited one more member Vitaliy Luka Shostak for rhythm guitar. The new band was asked to play at the concerts of local rock club. When they came up on the stage, they called themselves Los Colorados. It happened on 24th April in 2006, so this day considered as the birthday of the band. Soon Los Colorados became popular among the youth of Ternopil district. The boys were invited to other towns to play in local clubs, open air concerts, music festivals. The most popular songs were Chorna lubov (Black Love), Tyotya Lyuba (Aunt Lyuba), Nenavyzhu pianino (Hate the piano), Rillya v ilyuminatori (Tillage in the window) etc. Their style was called agri-alco-rock because of their lyrics (its about agricultural work, peasants life) and live show (every show boys drink some alcohol on the stage). Every song has some extract from the popular foreign song, its some kind of game with audience.



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